Using Video Marketing to Raise the Bar


A platform where 72 hours of video are being uploaded every minute, YouTube is the undisputed king of online video hosting. To amplify your brand image and search options, establishing presence on YouTube is a must. Targeting this powerful tool for effective SEO strategy, we get your updates to the target audience within minutes and how.

When you’re looking at ranking factors, picture content and User Engagement are of prime importance. These two factors constitute of what most of your YouTube SEO is about. You must understand that YouTube’s search engine does not work like Google. YouTube doesn’t directly understand if your keywords are inside the video. It’s not possible to directly tell if your video has any relevance to the tags you use there. So how does one know how videos rank first?


You must look out for the right title for your YouTube video. This is a hard-hitting factor where you can put your keywords in. The YouTube video title one uses has direct impact on the Click-through rate (CTR). We use your keywords in the title tag and make sure it’s relevant and it’s what best describes the video.


When you want your updates to work to your benefit, you need the right video descriptions. This is the only place to describe what your video is about. For anyone looking for Google Search engine results page, this is something that increases click-through rate. We help people immediately find your video’s relevance to what they’re looking for by adding the right descriptions. YNG Media helps you achieve the right searches by placing your keywords in the description in a way that you don’t miss out on your keywords that we embolden for you in your Search results.

We keep your information crisp and usually work around 300 words to describe the video. We help explain what your video is about in as few words, targeting the keywords.


When it’s about tagging, we take care of using at least 10 tags to make sure your keywords are in there. These are definitely relevant to the video. We help you target those extra keywords where you want your video to pop out in.

Getting you the best of updates possible be making use of videos, we help you reap benefits of video streaming to update your market strategies.

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