Online writing is a challenging task because you have to keep various factors in the mind. While writing, you need to ensure that the content offers equal value to the search engines as well as the readers. Striking a right balance of keywords and information to impress everyone is the biggest challenge for the content marketers.
When writing for the web, many writers end up giving all the attention to just Google and completely ignore the readers. To make it easier for you, here are 10 writing tips that you must keep in the mind when writing your next post.
Title is the preview of your content and it needs to be powerful to compel the visitors to click on it and read the content. Google shows just first 55 characters of a title, so try to make descriptive and concise title in the given limit.
Headings are beneficial for both the search engines as well as the readers. It not just helps them understand the topic quickly but also help them save the time. Headings make it easier for Google to understand the context of the content to smoothen the ranking process.
Deciding the length of content depends on various factors such as the industry, the topic, audience, available time and the reason behind writing it. Though Google gives more preference to more elaborative content pieces, it is not always essential to write long posts. If you can maintain consistency, relevance and quality by writing 300 words blog, you can focus on this.
Posting one high-quality blog once a week is better than posting a blog full of crap every day. Focus on the quality of blog comes with various benefits like customer’s trust, good relations and strong market reputation. So instead of thinking of ideas to increase time spend on the website come up with the high-quality content that helps you get improved rankings in SERPs.
With changes in the SEO over years, the importance of keywords has also altered. Now Google gives more importance to quality and relevance of the content. But you can still use keywords in the title and content body to get it found easily in the search results.
There is no use of spending hours on writing good content if it doesn’t reach the target audience. For today’s readers who are active on social medial channels, social sharing is the easiest option for content optimization and distribution. Make your content more captivating and engaging by using attention grabbing captions, appealing images and interesting hashtags.
Undoubtedly, you write and post content to impress Google for better rankings, but search and social results will give you top ranks only when the content offers value to the readers. So keep your target audience in the mind when writing content for the web. You can answer their questions through your blog posts.
Readability of your content has direct relation with the quality and the time readers spend on your website. Try to keep the structure of your content clear and simple to make it more readable and engaging.
By using different tools, you can check the potential of your content’s success in the search engine. Along with this, you also get an opportunity to learn more about search engine optimization that further helps you produce valuable content for humans and search engines.
Use links wisely in your content. These can be internal or external links or your references. These links help Google rank your blog while the readers get an opportunity to expand their knowledge on specific tops by clicking on the links. Ensure that the links, whether internal or external open in a new window.
Content is the crucial part of search engine optimization as well as social media optimization. So you should never overlook it.