To help the marketers gain more profits, Twitter has now opened Moments to all users. Basically, Twitter Moments was launched for the curation of the best tweets of the day that included an overview of the news and important tweets. Now to help the users tell stories through a series of tweets, Twitter has expanded Twitter Moments.
Moving beyond normal users, this feature is also beneficial for the brands and publishers. It makes content creation as well as curation more effective and appealing for the marketers. If you are confused how to get benefitted from Twitter Moments, here are top seven ways to make it easier for you.
Twitter Moments makes content curation and organization much easier for the marketers. You can easily organize your favorite sources like a trending topic. You can easily create a Moment to participate in a trending topic and to show that you are following the topic.
As the character limit on this micro blogging site is limited, at times you need to post a series of tweets to complete your story. Twitter Moments proves to be very helpful and effective in storytelling as it allows you to go beyond the 140 character limit. Further, it also allows you to enhance the lifespan of tweets by reusing the existing ones.
Twitter Moments allows you to organize and customize the news of the day as per your preference, brand, audience and the content. This way, you can create the most important news of the day in a series of tweets.
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Do you want to reach out to your audience again by promoting the latest tweet? Not an issue; just make a compilation of them with Twitter Moment and you are ready to impress your audience once again. To make it more precise, you can divide the posts by topics.
Do you want to join a big event and confused how to do this? Twitter Moments can be the best option for you to collect the tweets for different purposes like news coverage, humorous aspect or promotion through events. You can collect the best tweets from popular TV shows, movie premiers or other trending stories.
If you love to do everything in a different style and looking for a creative idea to promote a campaign, Twitter Moments can be of great help to you. All you need is to just create the tweets for a new campaign and collect them all for a story creation that completes the concept.
User-generated content and the best tweets about a certain topic can be really beneficial for the brands. By combining them together you can make a great Twitter Moment. It will encourage more users to join the campaign to get featured.